My cousin Stan Price, who was in the same division as us- in the artillery, had a little 13 pound truck,...
When we head that peace had become, we all thought we were going to go home, but we were on post the...
We got hold of a lot of those, climbed onto the pig market roof where we could lob them into bren gun...
My Grandfather was a soldier with the Royal Leicestershire 2nd 5th Batallion during World War 2. My...
A few weeks later he cought maleria in the trenches and was transported with hundreds of others to...
I travelled all over with the air force, from Iceland to Egypt, during the war... Officers and Privates had...
The station was actually built with four-gallon British petrol cans; each about twelve inches square...
He never spoke much about the was at home to his family he only talked about the good times in the war...
During the war there were army newspapers which, as I understand it, were published under the auspices of...
From their he was put in the royal engineer's he was in the 42 section incharge of lighting, he served...
My father, Sgt. David Doughty, was in the R.E.M.E. and posted to Benghazi in Libya in 1945 when, luckily...
Bert was an 18 year old when he joined the RAF as a pilot. Many islands round about were full of mines...
Dennis Mitchell tells Joan Armstrong his memories of a long delay while transporting military equipment to...
A short one to start off but one which interested me was that they would cook eggs on the tank itself ......
He worked for the British army service. corps....
There was fine weather as well as bad. There were days of great heat in the monsoon as well as the rain....
The 82nd West African Division had been formed with the intention of having the ability to operate without...
Three years back and forth through North Africa and in Tunisia before heading to Italy and a landing at a...
At the base if you were not doing any other duties, we would go to the Company Office and have a look...
The Lewis gun was designed before the 1st World War, but is seen here in service on Victoria Park in...
About 1,000 Japanese soldiers were eaten by crocodiles. The Japanese soldiers who tried to escape from the...
We went to camp in the July which was at Stockbridge in Hampshire... While we were there we went for a...