My Grandad was in the Airforce in the Spitfire Squadron... He served in Blackpool and many places in...
William Brunt served as a Flying Officer in the R.A.F.Volunteer Reserve.During a German bombing raid he...
We started to celebrate when suddenly we heard explosions - a party of 200 Japs had got through the camp...
I was born in Ipswich in 1915. I was stationed in Fleixstowe during the war and went to various stations in...
I'm John Williams, I was in the RAF during the war. The day after VE Day was announced, we immobilised...
This is a photograph of Jack Evans, "Coogie" as he was better known, from Pontesbury, Shropshire....
I had to cross the Atlantic to America. I sailed down the coast to South America, and then I crossed back...
I was engaged on training air crew in South Africa when I was posted back to the U.K. and given a...
My father was born in Halewood, Liverpool, he was in the Royal Navy on the Russian runs... When he came...
F/O Bennet/Crew posted to RAF Wickenby: 626 Squadron - 10 May 1944. Pilot - F/O Bennet Engineer —...
I was in England and went to Belgium about 18 months before the war ended... One day we had to dive in...
From the age of eighteen to twenty one I worked as an oxy-cetylene welder on Lancaster bombers....
I was secretary to Bomber Command Conferences,secret conference reporter at Whithall. Also Fighter Command...
Near to Lincoln a Lancaster bomber took off from Scampton adn crashed just four miles after take off....
From Late 1942 until 1944, I was stationed at the RAAF — the Royal Australian Air Force at...
This is a photograph taken in 1945 of my father Charles Hope and the people he worked with when he was in...
I travelled to Ceylon, India and Egypt among many others... I was a wireless officer in the RAF and flew on...
What I found very interesting was that it had been an assembly workshop for German flying bombs... I have...
To do this we had to lie on a flat roof of the local school staring up at the sky awaiting a...
On arriving in India in 1943 I was posted to RAF 82 Squadron, 1944 was when we went on Active Service in...
I was due to fly back to base but had the misfortune to go down with dysentery so was left behind with...