We went to a British restaurant for a meal at the end of the day if there was anyone left in Bootle...
My Mum was brought up in a childrens home In Egham,Surrey. She had one elder brother called John or Jack...
I remember that I was evacuated to Creswell near Nottingham. The anti aircraft gunners had little rubber...
When the war started, I was seven years old and lived on the Isle of Dogs... My family was bombed out and...
I was recently chatting to my grandchildren and family about the 1939-45 war and remembered a German plane...
As a very young child I lived near Woolwich Arsenal and so was evacuated... One day at school an air-raid...
My father's sister lived in Sale, near Manchester and if there was an air-raid on over Manchester...
I was born in 1935, so I grew up in the 2nd World War as a youngster in short trousers I was...
The school remained in Lincoln for two and a half years....
My most vivid memory is of looking up at the evening sky on June 5th and watching the sky blacken with all...
My grandmother, who lived in a very big house in a hampshire village, took in about forty evacuee children...
She volunteered and remembers taking her messages from the Welsh-speaking Tabernacle Chapel to the Home...
Although we were a family of five, we took in four, persuading a lady across the road to take the other...
In mid-June 1940 I was crouching over a Chemistry paper during the School Certificate examination, the...
As I was born in 1940, I don't remember too much of the war - but I was terrified by the doodle...
After that we were evacuated to East Leek, Loughborough... We used to get the bus from Worksop to Sheffield...
This sunday my mum had just about finished with me as the siren started to go at full blast... My Mum and...
I was 4 and half years old when World War Two started.My first memory was the talk of men being 'called...
I must have been about two and a half years old, but I remenber having him pointed out to me in his...
One day during the doodlebug era I was with my friend, John, in his back garden... In the usual manner of...
As was usual in the little streets of London, after any event people came out of their front doors to...
Northgate School in Wartime. I was at Northgate School, Ipswich, during the war....