He got called up november 39,My mum was pregnate with me.Dad was able to see me then but had to go just...
I remember the ARP Wardens blowing whistles as they walked around the fields to announce the outbreak of...
I was the youngest of 5 brothers during the war in Swansea... What we thought was a bomb blast, was in fact...
Mother took me to the beach and we were enjoying it when she saw some aeroplanes coming in over the bay......
They were brought in each day on a lorry - Germans and Italians. To be honest, the Italians weren't...
In 1938 my brother and I were very excited when we were taken to an airshow at Speke. This picture shows us...
In 1940 I was evacuated with my sister from Banstead in Surrey to Ramsbury, Wiltshire... In 1944 I was...
In 1939 I was aged 7 years old, and lived in Highams Park near Chingford in Essex. I can remember dustbin...
When I was 2 an evacuee from London called David Langdon, stayed in Acacia Road in Bedford.He was a...
The German's decided to bomb this area as the steelworks produced weapons that were used during the...
I can remember feeling very anxious about what it all meant, as my Dad had told me lots of stories about...
I was only eight, eight-and-a-half when the war began, so my memories started really with the evacuation,...
There was only one Bombing Raid on the Rolls-Royce factory, which, of course, produced the Merlin engine...
I was nearly seven when the war started and went to my grandparents home.We thats my mother and myself left...
My most vivid experience during the war occured in daytime. I would be standing as a small boy in the back...
Alf and Bert would go from Garlinge tothe \Margate Gas Works... Alf and Bert saw the german plane drop...
The children in the street gathered round me, they asked me different questions about london....
On the day of the examination, a Messerschmitt aircraft flew over the town to bomb and straff the docks.The...
As a child I attended High Street School in Tunstall... The teacher would stand at the window and watch...
My Aunt , who lived in Liverpool, was staying with us at the time, asked when would the guns start firing...
When I was about 15 I volunteered as a runner for the ARP. In the middle of one night I was told...
Walking along a road with my Grandmother, we encounted a Prisoner of War.My Grandmother wished him a...