"Ice-cream for V.E. day ! I had to watch the street party throught the window because I had had my...
Soon after I started school in November 1944 the school received a parcel from somewhere in USA. Much more...
When we were finally liberated there was so much joy and excitement, I remember our schoolteacher lining us...
It was Reddal Infants school in Birmingham. I can also remember seeing the sky when Coventry was bombed...
My Uncle Leslie was an M.P in North Allerton, Yorkshire. He told me a story of a German Prisoner of War who...
My friend Trevor and I were going to be evacuated, our paretns thougth it would be a good idea, and one of...
You took your gas mask holder out of the box and put it in your green rexine and put a zip across...
My first memory of the impending war, was returning from a holiday in North Wales to find the rows of...
Trapped in a Cupboard! as told by Dr.John Phillips. In 1940 when I was 7 years of age I can recall that...
I have recorded the story of a land girl who served in northumberland and it is approx 10 pages of A4....
Mr Kitchen was in the airforce who decided to make him an instructor, he was then an instructor at the...
My father in law, Amos Bostock was 15 when he was in the war and weas abroad. He came face to face...
I was evacuated to Lincolnshire with my sister and then I went home and I was evacuated again to Pateley...
I remember one night when I was on night duty; I was on the phone in the passage just outside the ward...
My memories of the Second World War were my evacuation in 1941 where l was evacuated to Colchester in Essex...
What I remember about the war was when there was an air raid, Mum got us all under the stairs with a...
I was in the same house during the war that I live in now, in Connah's Quay....
There was a serious side to it as well, but we had good times too... It cost us sixpence every Monday, and...
Because of evacuation in 1939 there were very few teachers left, so we'd go to school one week in the...
I was born in Rangoon Burma in the late 30s... My mother was in hospital having my younger sister and my...
Have You Got Any Gum Chum. There was a convoy of American soldiers outside All Saints Church and we shouted...
My lasting Memory of World War II is…when I was 7 years old, after a raid my Mum told me that St...