My baby sister was issued with a Mickey Mouse gas mask which, because she was a big baby with a big head,...
He was black and bloated having been in the water for some time.Most comments from the grown-ups were that...
Alexander Wilson is 68 now and this is a long,long time ago when he was 4... So Alexander had to get...
The docks in Liverpool were a prime target, and the Wirral was apparently, regualry bombed, because of...
At the beginning of the war I was a little girl aged 7 years attending a local primary school about 5 miles...
The bomber pilot, Douglas Badar and all of his crew, that went off in the war, left from the aerodrome just...
One day, there was a loud thud ourside, unpon investigating my mother found a large crater halfway down the...
With my mother and my younger brother and sister, I left Morden Park for Wrexham. I had wonderful freedom...
As I was born in the second year of the war my memories are that of a small child, my parents worked...
I was evacuated from Brighton to Lancashire when I was 6 and my brother was 4 and of course my Mum said...
Luckily a man in a pub called the Bull Dog came and pulled us in - he saved our lives. One day...
My mother along with other women and children and men not considered vital by the British Government,...
During the war I was only about three but I can still remember wearing a red siren suit nad a Mickey Mouse...
She saw Mussolini and mistress strung up before the Cardinal of Milan had orderedd their removal. My...
All of a sudden it turned around and headed towards our house and began to fire it's guns My brother...
He crashed landed on the land 鈥 A Shepard went to the crashed plane with a gun and two crew from the...
I was 9 and my brother was 13 and we wanted it because it was souvenirs and shiny... You could see the...
There was an ack-ack gun and searchlights on the cricket field and the little building that was put up as...
Then we'd get our mother's bottle of Eno's Fruit salts 鈥 a fizzy powder 鈥 and...
One night during heavy bombing I was pushed under the kitchen table with my Mother and a lady I called...
She has told me many times that she only knew the war as a child - she tells of the trips down...
The first thing I can remember was having to get out of bed to get into the morrison shelter when the buzz...