During the war I lived in 23 Housten Street Ballyhackamore with my mother, and two brothers... As my mother...
Immediately after he had gone, my brother, one year older than me, a young girl who had been evacuated to...
I remember there being lots of barrage balloons near where I lived and one in particular which was always...
As a 10 year-old boy in a mixed class of 40 children at the above school, I was asked by our teacher,...
My aunt, Sarah Barton, had a teenager evacuee called Oliver Harrison and one day when I was in her house...
The school had been bombed last night while Pam and her Mum sheltered in the Andersen air raid shelter at...
During the duration ofthe doodlebug bombings the family would take shelter in the cupboard under the...
My Hair Saved My Life! by Adrienne Russell. My mum has always told me that I should never moan about my...
But alas we soon found out that there was no tap water, only water from a well for drinking only.Washing...
If I stood at our front door and looked to the front there was Boscombe Down Airfield, to the right was...
During the war we often had German bombers flying over our village to drop their bombs on Liverpool which...
It was not untill 1990 I found out that the school was half-filled with the dead from the London Blitz, and...
I recall one night when the Germans bombed Matthew Bank, my father took us to the front door and we watched...
My father decided this was a target and it was arranged that I would be evacuated to the north of the...
During the war I lived with my parents at Number 4 Hazelwood Cottages on the Alfold Road out of Cranleigh....
Before that event we spent about a year enduring nightly airraids on the nearby Plymouth dockyard.We used...
As told by Brian Coster. In May 1940, I was evacuated to Blaenarvon, a mining village in Wales....
I have vivid memories of marching to Waterloo Station from Walworth to be evacuated to Topsham near...
Actually I was brought up by me Grandma because I was born before me mother got married... And when the...
Evacuated at nine years old to Wales, near Abergele and lived there for four years on a farm run by an old...
3 THE REFUGEES After the Blitz, which killed and injured so many in Belfast there were even more people...
As a young child I remember seeing the Americans arrive in Dawley... I used to play with evacuees sent to...