Age: 26
Job: Recruitment Resourcer
Years Surfing: 4
Habitat: Porthcawl
Boards: 2
Quiver: 7'4" custard point mini mal, thruster,
Local Break: Rest Bay, with its fantastic current, it's the surf treadmill! Weekends, everywhere and anywhere there's surf - Gower and Cornwall.
Places Surfed: All over Cornwall and Devon, Morocco, France.
Favourite Surf Films: 'The Fourth Day' May 2004, created and edited by Jeremy Cooper. Our own holiday film from the France trip earlier this year. It has some fantastic footage of the WCT gals and some awesome clips of Hossegor going off.
Worst Wipeout: There's so many...Has to be France this year, when I tried to catch a 6 footer on a reef, didn't make the drop and ended up hitting the rocks. It dented me slightly and held me under for a while but I absolutely loved it!!! I was so happy my baby didn't get dented!
Favourite Manoeuvre: Riding those waves!!!
Worst Surfing Habit: Dropping in on my mates! LMAO The way I look at it guys, you've all been surfing forever, I need more practice!
Best Surfing Experience: This summer surfing in France with one of the most fantastic people I've ever met. I went away with now one of my best mates and we surfed some awesome waves, watched the girl WCT comp and had a fantastic week of surf.

Another one (I couldn't put a pin between the two of them) was Gennith in April.
All the guys came down and we surfed for 7 hours, it was truly Hawaiian!! Lovely clean 3ft waves, an absolutely lush day and all of us were catching lush clean 3ft glassy waves, an absolutely WICKED day!!
Weirdest Surfing Experience: Gennith this summer with all those soddin Jelly fish!!! I kinda have a phobia about them, I really, REALLY am not a fan of Jellyfish. The guys I surf with thought it would be hilarious to keep lobbing them at my head, I was not amused!!! REVENGE is on the cards BIG time.
Other Interests: Kick boxing, climbing, skating, skateboarding, INDO boarding baby! Yeah! Cycling, erm...erm..what else do I do?? Running, reading, writing, drinking oh and lots of partying!!!