Gower Surfer
Name: James Flynn
Age: 16
Job: In school
Years Surfing: 5 years
Habitat: Gower
Boards: 3
Quiver: 6'4" JP Hybrid, 6'10" Odd Thruster, 7ft Nineplus Magic Carpet.
Local Break: Gennith, Langland
Places Surfed: South and West Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, Spain.
Favourite Surf Films: Young Gunz 2, Letting Go, Performing Monkeys .
Favourite Manoeuvre: Hitting the lip, Back hand cutback, tailslide.
Worst Wipeout: Hit in the mouth by a longboard. Blood everywhere
Favourite Manoeuvre: Hitting the lip, Back hand cutback, tailslide.
Worst Surfing Habit: Shouting alot! lol
Best Surfing Experience: Empty reef in spain, surfed all day in boardies.
Weirdest Surfing Experience: Moonlight surf at gennith, thunder.
Other Interests: Music, fitness & weight training, tennis, badminton, most sports.